
Lent 2024 at Holy Cross
During Lent, we will explore the topic of mental health as we hear and understand “The Seven Last Words of Christ.” We’ll look at eight passages as part of a sermon series, one passage each week, beginning with the sermon on Ash Wednesday and continuing each Sunday through Easter (see the schedule below). Together, we’ll explore these words Jesus spoke as he faithfully struggled with betrayal, pain, suffering, and death on the cross.
In addition to the sermon series, we will offer other supporting resources. There will be a weekly devotional to take you further into the last words of Christ. It includes a coloring sheet for each week to use as a contemplative practice. There will also be large coloring posters for each theme. If you or your family want to join in a larger project and color one of them, we will display them at church as we make our way through Lent.
Speakers from several organizations that provide resources and support for mental health have been invited to speak as we gather for Holden Evening Prayer during our midweek Lenten worship services on Wednesday nights starting on February 21 at 7 pm.
Sunday School students will watch and discuss the Disney Pixar Movie “Inside Out” to talk about the themes of emotions. Visit the Sunday School page to learn more.
Mental health can be a complex topic to discuss, requiring courage and vulnerability. There may be stigma around mental health and the reluctance to share when struggling with it. In learning more and discussing the struggles we face with anxiety, stress, fear, and other realities in our lives, We hope we can create a safe space to discover resources helpful in reducing the stigma around caring for our mental well-being.
As you enter the season and wilderness of Lent, encountering things you may not understand or be fearful of, hear the words Moses spoke to the people of Israel before they entered the promised land, not knowing what they would encounter. “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NRSV) Jesus also says to us at the end of the Gospel of Matthew, “…and remember I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20 - NRSV)

Midweek Lenten Worship
Nurturing Our Mental Well-Being
Wednesday, February 21
7 - 7:30 pm - Sanctuary
The National Alliance on Mental Illness
(“NAMI”) Lake County, IL
Wednesday, February 28
7 - 7:30 pm - Sanctuary
CYN Counseling Center of Grayslake
Wednesday, March 6
7 - 7:30 pm - Sanctuary
Sonia Rios, Advocate Condell Trauma Recovery Center
Wednesday, March 13
7 - 7:30 pm - Sanctuary
Tammy Burns, Director of Community Services, Zacharias Center
Wednesday, March 20
7 - 7:30 pm - Sanctuary
Mental health from a pastoral perspective with Rev. Dr. Robert A. Davis, Pastor Emeritus
Easter Eve Festival
Saturday, March 30
3 - 5 pm
Fellowship Area
Cost: Free!
Register for timed entry tickets at: bit.ly/EEFtickets
Get ready for a family-friendly journey like no other this Easter Eve! Take a walk (literally) through Holy Week on the way to the Resurrection.
Jesus was traveling with his disciples, and so we'll journey in small groups through this immersive experience, moving from Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, finishing with the joy of Easter Sunday (Easter breakfast-for-dinner included!)
All ages welcome. For questions or if you would like to volunteer before and/or during this event, contact Deaconess Katie at deaconesskatie@holycrosschurch.org
For more information about the Easter Eve Festival, visit HolyCrossChurch.org/sundayschool

Holy Week
Passion/Palm Sunday, March 24
8 & 10 am - Sanctuary & livestream
Maundy Thursday, March 28
7 pm - Sanctuary & livestream
with Holy Communion & First Communion
Good Friday, March 29
3 pm - Sanctuary
7 pm - Sanctuary & livestream
March 30 from 3 - 5 pm - Fellowship Area
Get ready for a free family-friendly journey like no other this Easter Eve! Take a walk (literally) through Holy Week on the way to the Resurrection. All ages welcome.
Register for timed entry tickets
Easter Sunday Worship
March 31 at 8 & 10 am - Sanctuary & livestream
The Celebration of the Resurrection with Holy Communion. Children’s Message at 10 am