Worship Participant Brochure
Volunteers are essential to worship experiences at Holy Cross. The tasks are easy and fulfilling. Mentorship is available for any worship volunteer position in which you may have an interest.
You may volunteer to help as a Greeter, Reader, Communion Assistant, Assistant Minister, Usher, or help with Altar Care. Children in grades 6 - 8 may serve as acolytes. It is a great feeling to know that you participated in the church service while showing your love for God and our church family. Learn more about these tasks in the Worship Participants Brochure
Contact the church office at office@holycrosschurch.org or (847) 367-4060 to be added to our list of worship volunteers. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Mission Endowment Scholarships
Through the Holy Cross Mission Endowment Fund, Holy Cross provides scholarships to assist and encourage post-high school education for its members. These scholarships may be used at an accredited college, university or vocational-technical school. Requirements are that you be an active member of Holy Cross and that you submit an application form including a thoughtful faith statement.