Children's Ministry
Sunday School for Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Sunday School Ahoy! We're back for the Spring term!
The fun starts at 9:45am while the adults attend the 10:00am worship service.
Kids will rejoin their families in church at the passing of the peace during the worship service.
All children must register so our info is up to date on your child.
Preregistration is encouraged for a seamless rally day.
Sunday School at a Glance
Holy Cross offers Sunday School from September to April.
Sunday School check-in begins at 9:45 am in the Celebration! Childcare atrium.
With Sunday School happening simultaneously alongside the 10 am worship service, we’ll open with Carrie Mack leading music and Pastor Katie teaching the day’s lesson. Then our kids will break into small groups based on their age (Kindergarten - 2nd grade, 3rd - 5th grade) for crafts and games.
Kids will rejoin their families in the Sanctuary during the worship service at the sharing of the peace, enabling families to be together for Holy Communion.
Registration for kids ages 4 - 5th grade is now open.
Register your children online today!

Talking to Our Kids About Race
Part of our call as people who follow Jesus is to love others as Jesus loved, which included seeking to change the ways culture can hurt others.
In Jesus’ time, he challenged the ways in which the culture as it was did not allow for fullness of life for those who found themselves widowed, orphaned, or in a strange land. In our time, following Jesus’ example of love can include challenging ways in which the culture as it is does not allow for fullness of life for those who are “othered” for any number of reasons. The following resources give ideas of how to equip your kids (and yourselves) for loving others as Jesus loves them. Here are some ideas and resources to begin the conversation:
· There are a lot of books you can read with your child(ren). Your local public children’s librarian will most likely be able to assist you in choosing some for your family to read. One book that my family has appreciated is Something Happened In Our Town by Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins and Ann Hazard. Age range 4-8 year olds). Another one is When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner.
· Sesame Workshop has some great resources for younger kids. As a parent, I’ve found the articles helpful. sesameworkshop.org/what-we-do/racial-justice
· Talk with your child(ren) about being an “upstander,” and maybe even practice how to be one. Here is a cute video that introduces how to be an upstander: youtu.be/eeqQCyQOCPg
· When you’re watching a show with your kids, pay attention to who the heroes and villains are portrayed to be. Talk about why that might be.
· For your own growth, join Holy Cross’ Antiracism Roundtable and Work Group, held monthly via Zoom.
Some of these ideas were collected from a three-session class called “Raising Anti-Racist Kids” led by First Presbyterian in Libertyville. View the recap resources on their website under Resources for Families at firstpreslibertyville.org/anti-racism/
An important take-away from Sesame Workshop: “As soon as children can ask questions, support their natural curiosity by answering them, even the most difficult ones (and it’s okay to say you want to think about their question for a while). Let them know that it’s okay to notice skin color and to talk about race. The idea is to make differences normal… and good!”
From a place of faith, we recognize that God has created these differences—and loves and celebrates them.
Resources for Talking with Kids About War
by Deaconess Katie Freund
Dear Holy Cross Families,
With the heartbreaking conflicts in the news it can be hard to know how to talk about the world's brokenness with our kids.
There is tremendous value in having difficult conversations with our kids, especially when it comes to topics that have no easy answers. When left to make their own assumptions, kids can think that anxiety or confusion is something only they are experiencing. The feeling of being with these feelings isn't good for anyone, especially children. You do not need to have the "perfect" answer, or even any answer, to be a valuable resource to children. We often underestimate how much comfort simple, open, and honest communication can bring. Believe it or not, simply sharing this moment together does a world of good in showing your child that they are not alone.
A few resources for families have been circulating this past week and I wanted to share them with you in case they may be of help.
The first is titled "A Kids Book About War" - it is written to be accessible for kids age 5 and older. It is provided as a free resource but if your family benefits from it please consider making a donation through the website to support Unicef or Doctors Without Borders. View the ebook at akidsco.com
Another is a "30 Seconds" read from a clinical psychologist, Dr. Bethany Cook, titled "How to Talk to Kids About War". A big strength in this resource is how she quickly tells you how to assess where your child is at with what they may or may not already know of what is happening globally. Read it online at 30seconds.com
If there is anything we at Holy Cross can do to offer your family guidance or support (not just in this context, but amidst life's many challenges), please don't hesitate to reach out. DeaconessKatie@holycrosschurch.org
In the peace and love of Christ,
Deaconess Katie