At Holy Cross Lutheran Church, we aspire to ...
Gather as diverse individuals, coming together to be a supportive community, inspired by Jesus and each other to live life more abundantly, and working with each other to make the world a better place.
Love like Jesus taught and modeled as a way of life, including loving God, loving the world that God loves so much, and loving each other.
Grow into more mature, thoughtful, and generous followers of Jesus, nurturing hope, cultivating joy, promoting peace, and discovering meaning and purpose in concerns bigger than ourselves.
We believe that following Jesus is a pathway to better lives and a better world. Please join us at Holy Cross Lutheran Church as we journey together.

Vision & Mission
As a Christian community we provide strength and encourage people of faith to grow... by celebrating Christ and his message of grace and hope in our lives, through our acts of compassion which transforms peoples’ lives, and, by nurturing community that reminds us that we are connected relationally.
We are a Christian community committed to celebrate God’s Love for all creation. We boldly proclaim the Gospel that frees us to witness, minister, and live the Christian faith in our everyday lives.
Core Values
Core Values create the foundation that informs our ministry and life together. Core Values shape our congregational culture and character. Core Values drive our priorities and decision-making. Core Values engage our creativity and imagination. Core Values communicate our distinctiveness and are descriptive of our life together in a faith community.
"Come as You Are" and "Come Where You Are" in your personal faith journey. You are welcome and will discover a place of hospitality as individuals and families move towards the ultimate goal of knowing God.
Be inspired to "Embrace God's Gift of Grace" in a setting of openness and honesty through intentional engagement with the Christian tradition as embodied in faith practices.
As people created in the image of God, we explore the connection between our passions and a sense of vocation as we "Share our Gifts" in a dynamic, authentic and genuine environment.
Compose a Christian way of life through Christ-centered opportunities for personal transformation and discernment through sharing stories, risk taking, sharing the Word, praying, contemplating, and participating in truthful conversations around questions that surface in life.
Core Beliefs and Teachings
The Bible: We teach that the Holy Bible is the Living Word of God and functions as the authority in matters of faith and life.
God: We teach that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. A relationship with God is a gift not an accomplishment!
Jesus Christ: We teach that Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully human, who by His death and resurrection has redeemed us.
The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is truly present at work in the community of believers. Its gifts vary from person to person and no one is left out .
Human Nature: We teach that no one is perfect and that everyone has sin and needs the grace, love, and forgiveness of God.
Prayer: We are a people of prayer and believe that God will answer prayer and longs for all of us to grow in prayer.
Baptism and the Lord's Supper: We believe, teach and confess that Jesus is truly present in, with and under the elements of water, bread, and wine nourishing our lives on earth with these gifts.
The Church: Holy Cross Lutheran Church is a small part of a greater body of Christ alive in the world and affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Our Evangelical Lutheran Heritage and Identity: We believe, teach, and confess our faith in the Lutheran reformation themes of: grace through faith alone, scripture alone, and Christ alone!
Our Story
Our Story
Founded in 1980, the church’s charter members met at a local grade school. The congregation became self sustaining within one year, and on Palm Sunday 1985, the church family moved into its current facility on 7.8 acres in Libertyville, a location equidistant from the downtown areas of Chicago and Milwaukee. In 1987, the church installed its pipe organ, and the organ continues to contribute significantly to the musical spirit of Holy Cross.
In the fall of 1995, Holy Cross completed a successful building expansion which added much needed educational meeting space. In 2001, Holy Cross completed construction of a new sanctuary to accommodate the worship experience of our growing membership and in 2006 a "west wing" addition was completed to accommodate an expanded ministry of full time childcare. Today, Holy Cross continues to expand its ministries to the community and to its growing congregational membership.
Two distinct features in the sanctuary of Holy Cross Lutheran Church are the mosaic and pipe organ.
Holy Cross is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.